Todo list for the EOHI guide

Post it notes on a white board

To do


  • Format / linter for markdown files.
  • Convert banner.ts privates to protected and change tests to mimic chapters.test.ts.
  • Add protected methods to the timeline-main.ts class. Update tests to reflect this, using class extension.
  • Automatically build side bar content from actual content in the guide.
  • Check that a banner picture is displayed on every page. This needs to be in a 3:1 ratio (width:height).
  • Finish banner testing (pre-render)
  • Finish non-200 link testing (post-render)
  • Test all pages have a banner at the top, before any text. Banners need to be of 3:1 ratio (width:height), except on index pages and timelines.
  • Check all titles are in Title case.
  • All chapter folders and subfolders must have an index.qmd file. Needs unit testing and checking in chapters.ts.
  • Bibliography for each chapter.
  • Each chapter/subchapter needs a page picture (in the front matter)


  • Most major content.
  • Case studies under each major chapter.
  • Larger case studies at the end of the guide.


  • Creators for remaining topics.



  • Obtained a domain name.
  • Set up a GitHub repository.
  • GitHub pages.
  • Github actions.



  • First creators set for first 10 webinars and chapters.